You want to build your homestead, but…

  • You’re not on the “right'“ property

  • There’s so much to do, you’re not really sure where to start

  • You lack the skills, finances, or TIME to do all that needs to be done

Any of these resonate with you?

The internet is full of information for modern homesteaders to gain knowledge & inspiration.

But how do you actually use that information
and apply it to building your own homestead?

Sometimes TOO MUCH information can be paralyzing.
It’s inspiration overload. Which leads to decision fatigue.

Also - Life’s demands don’t go away.
Jobs. Laundry. Kids. Housework… It still needs ya.
How can you do both?

Building your homestead is possible regardless of limitations — but it doesn’t happen on accident.

Normally this course is $247. You can enroll now for just $197.

If you want to minimize stress, amplify progress, and grow with confidence - you need to
have a plan to make it happen.
You need a blueprint -
clearly laying out the why, what, & how of what you are building to
guide you for each step.

Which is why I created…

Throughout this program,
you will create a blueprint specific to your property, goals, + abilities.

There are 7 Steps to the Process:

  • What are your goals for different areas of your homestead?
    I will walk you through various opportunities for livestock, growing spaces, skills, and resources.

Step 1: Creating A Vision

Step 2: Planning Your Property Layout

  • Where should you place things on your property? We will consider logistics of laying out a property in a way that’s efficient and enjoyable to work with.

Step 3: Determining Strengths & Weaknesses

  • What if your property is heavily wooded or hilly? What if you don’t have any building skills? This lesson will discuss how to work with challenges and leverage strengths to meet your goals.

  • Should you work with existing infrastructure, use something temporary, or build new? Temporary or permanent? There are so many things to consider to ensure that your infrastructure is function, economical, and serves your homestead well.

Step 4: Deciding Infrastructure

  • How do you avoid a log jam of projects or do things beyond your skill set? My method for planning and prioritizing projects will help you go from paralyzed to progress.

Step 5: Project Planning & Prioritizing

  • Whether you are homesteading just for your family’s consumption or also looking to generate income - keeping tabs on finances is crucial so it doesn’t end up negatively impacting your personal budget.

Step 6: Budget & Management Money

  • You’ve got the plan. Now, how do you work it into your everyday life?

Step 7: Taking Action

The video/audio lessons guide you through the entire process:
Step by step.

BUT.. to help your chances
of success even more I’m also going to include…

  • 20+ complimentary printable PDFs/guides to help you work through each step of the process

  • Opportunity to receive personalized homestead consulting (from me!) - I’ll randomly choose 1 person each month!

  • 50% off coupon for The Declercq Homestead monthly membership